
new craft...

I've been wanting to learn how to knit for sometime now, and decided that I was ready. I don't know, but something about knitting just appeals to me. It's a craft I can sit on the couch and do while the TV is on, and not feel like I'm just wasting time. Plus, doesn't it just look sooo neat when it's done?! I've tried crochet in the past - and just haven't gotten the hang of it. So I was worried ...

The only people I know that knit - live far away - so I decided to attempt to teach myself. I got myself some minimal gear and off I went. So far so good - I've been able to knit and purl - and I'm working on a basic little scarf for Lily. Nothing exciting, just stockinette stich one color, the whole thing. It's pretty fun I must say! I will post a picture when I finish - just don't laugh if you are a knitter, I'm sure it's awful! In the meantime - I found this site (how have I not found this before????) The Purl Bee and now have a million projects I want to do (not just knitting). Great stuff!!

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