

I'm working on some entries for a beading contest. I'm entering 3 new and original pieces. The grand prize is an all expense paid trip to Bead Expo in Santa Fe, NM next year plus a $1500 shopping spree. The finalists will be posted on their website, where you can go to vote for your favorite (a la American Idol). I have no grand ideas, but I will let you know if anything comes of it!
Also, I will post pictures of what I'm entering once I find out if that is ok or not...


bridal jewelry...

I made some jewelry for a wedding this weekend. The bride wanted a simple one strand "invisible" type necklace with clear swarovski crystals. I also made her a matching two strand bracelet (she doesn't know she is getting the bracelet I don't think). The pictures are magnified, really the crystals in the bride's necklace are only 4mm. It will look like there are little sparkling jewels on her neck, so pretty.

The little girls in the wedding party have red siam swarovski crystals and white freshwater pearl bracelets and necklaces. It was so fun to make such tiny baby bracelets too! Why haven't I made one of these for my baby?! I am going to list the photo of the baby bracelets on my etsy store and offer them as a custom item (you pick the color of crystal) for $8 baby up to toddler size. $10 for a preschooler and up size. What do you think?


shhhh it's a secret...

I have just come up with a fabulous unique idea for jewelry...and I'm bursting to tell, but I'm not going to. It's great. I really hope that I can make it work. Stay tuned...


my latest projects...

I just finished sewing together a top of a quilt for my grandma. She did some cute embroidered/cross stitched squares that I pieced together by machine with some cute polka dot fabric. I did not take a picture, because it will be a gift for someone eventually, and it should remain a surprise! But it turned out very cute!

Since I finished that I decided to work on a couple pieces of jewelry. Did these two necklaces today, that will go on etsy tomorrow.

featured artist...

My first featured artist is :
Sterling and Stones Jewelry Design by SaraJane

She can be found at: http://ssjdbysarajane.etsy.com/
or http://www.sterlingandstonesjewelry.com/

She is the mom of 3 kids and creates beautiful jewelry designs in her spare time. Oh yeah, and she's my sister! Please visit her sites!



I got a treasury on Etsy! They are hard to come by, but I happened to come upon it at the right time. Some lovely items, check it out!



Wanna be a featured artist/crafter? Please leave me a comment!



I am the owner of this blog and thought I would start with shameless self-promotion of my etsy store.
I have free shipping right now, and many items on clearance at over 50% off!
Etsy: Your place to buy & sell all things handmade


A blog to start the crafting blog. This blog is to promote all things handmade.